Депресивні концепції щастя

Journal Title: Психологія особистості - Year 2018, Vol 9, Issue 1


In this article, the authors examine the problem of experiencing difficult life situations by persons with subclinical symptoms of depression through the prism of their mental representation of the problem of reaching happiness. The study empirically grounds on following: qualitative research (multiple case study) of subclinical depression; quantitative research of adaptation of Ukrainian migrants with high rates of depressiveness. On the basis of a multiple case study it is deduced that depressive concepts of happiness tend to be: 1) rigidly concentrated on the only one aspect of life; 2) over-demanding (especially toward others) to that extent that happiness seems unreachable; 3) over-evaluated, that can increase frustration and anxiety; 4) accompanied by expectation that happiness should occur itself. Impatience and whimpering are defined as peculiar feature of how a person with subclinical symptoms of depression passes through actual obstacles in reaching happiness. Considering these features, the depressive concepts of happiness appears to be quite infantile, therefore researches analyze the problems of persons with subclinical depression through the prism of the concepts of psychological infantilism. Specific presuppositions that underlie infantile expectations which had been explored during the study are revealed in the article. The quantitative study of migrants’ adaptation supports the theses of the childish nature of the depressive concept of happiness. Childhood scenario decisions and internalized parents’ drivers that are significantly related to depressiveness are given. The study highlights the role of biases and childhood decisions in irrational thinking of persons with subclinical symptoms of depression. These findings can contribute to understanding the problem of their social development.

Authors and Affiliations

Галина Гандзілевська, Уляна Нікітчук


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  • EP ID EP532894
  • DOI 10.15330/ps.9.1.64-71
  • Views 79
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How To Cite

Галина Гандзілевська, Уляна Нікітчук (2018). Депресивні концепції щастя. Психологія особистості, 9(1), 64-71. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-532894