Державна політика у сфері охорони сім’ї в УРСР (друга половина 1960-х - перша половина 1980-х рр.)


The integral part of building the communist future of the Soviet Union in the second half of 1960 . the first half of 1980 was the solution to the problem of human resources, which was not enough because of losses during the Second World War and because of the low birth rate in the Soviet families. In particular, changes concerned the protection of the family as an important social link, which took a crucial role in the reproduction of population. In article considers the mechanism of resolving demographic problems of the USSR by analyzing the most important legal documents that determined the areas of family policy of the Soviet state in the second half of 1960 . the first half of 1980, and the implications of these documents in practice. In the article traced the evolution of the vision in the ideologies of party the place of a family in the structure of Soviet society. Attitude to family as an institution of social life in the Soviet Union changed – from family accusation charges in petit bourgeois (in 1917-1950 years) till definition a family as one of the most important elements of Soviet society, which was reflected in the regulatory legal acts of the USSR 1960-1980 years. Practical implementation of policy directions strengthen the family had become: direct financial family support (pensions, child allowances after birth); benefits to families with children (labor, tax, pension, payment services in pre-schools, health centers); Natural payments for children (free medicines, baby food, breakfast in schools, trips to the resort). In addition, the Communist Party paid great attention to the role of Soviet women in the implementation of population policy of the USSR. Most state measures the second half of 1960 First half of 1980 were aimed at creating conditions to facilitate their status in family and in society. In the documents of the Communist Party repeatedly mentioned that the main task of Soviet women was motherhood and parenting. The woman got equal rights with men, and the right to combine motherhood with socially useful socialist work, thanks to the Communist Party. The leading role in the implementation of population policies in the USSR belonged any material (increased lump sum for the birth of children, the introduction of state aid to single mothers, increase in maternity leave, financial aid mothers with many children) and moral (law of the Order of Mother heroine) encouraging Soviet women. After analyzing a number of public acts of the USSR the second half of 1960 . the first half of 1980, which provided various kinds of financial aid to families and women directly and their implementation in practice, was made some conclusions. The Communist Party failed to solve the problem which it had set to overcome poverty and low incomes of most families with children. In addition, by the end of 1980 the Communist Party has failed to implement promises on ensuring rooms and apartments to young families. It can be assumed, that the the cause of such failures in social policy was residual principle of financing the social sector and inadequate qualification of social workers. The article is interdisciplinary, because the family policy is the domain of historians, lawyers, sociologists, demographers, physicians. Therefore, the article can be useful not only for people historical specialization.

Authors and Affiliations

Yulia Tyshchenko


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How To Cite

Yulia Tyshchenko (2016). Державна політика у сфері охорони сім’ї в УРСР (друга половина 1960-х - перша половина 1980-х рр.). Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(), 102-108. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-205387