Депутатська діяльність Лева Бачинського в австрійському парламенті (1907-1912)
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 46
The article reveals the content and directions of the deputy's activities of the famous public-political figure, Lev Bachynsky, in the Austrian Parliament (1907 – 1912). His role in the preparation of appeals tooth e ministries of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy and participation in the struggle for establish ing a Ukrainian university in Lviv were explored. His 13-hours speech, which received a significant public response, was part of the obstruction campaign of Ukrainian ambassadors to the parliament after Austrian government`s refusal to grant Ukrainians the right to establish their own university. The main purpose of L. Bachynsky's deputy activity was defending of the national and social rights of Galician society. He criticized the local authorities for the policy in Eastern Galicia, aim ed at restricting of the rights of the Ukrainian people. The ambassador opposed the split of national forces in the parliament during a conflict with the Bukovinian ambassadors and the release in 1909 from the Ukrainian Parliamentary Club.
Authors and Affiliations
Andriy Korolko, Hanna Paska
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