Єврейські жіночі організації в суспільно-політичному житті Другої Речі Посполитої
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue
There were investigated the main particular vectors of the Jewish feminine organization.s appearance in the Second Commonwealth of Poland in our research work. While working on the topic we have analyzed the most important statutory declarations. We have considered the main algorithms of charity, sport and other women’s alliances in the article. There were denoted the most important tasks of Jewish women.s organizations and the role of political leaders for the feminine alliances in our research work. The main assignment for all nations, which existed in the interwar Eastern Europe, was to recover the national liberation. It must be admitted that Jewish women’s alliances tried to resurrect customs, traditions and national liberation. In 19.20 century their activity was the most prominent example of the statement mentioned above. The interwar period should be characterized by Zionism development, where lots of young Jewish people were involved. The main goal of the youth was to resurrect Jewish state in Palestine. One of the countries where this trend is particularly noticeable – Second Polish Republic. The jews were the second (after ukrainian) national minority in this country. Polish-Jewish political relations were really complicate. The Polish-Ukrainian war of 1918 and 1919 was the main reason for the formation of Ukrainian-Jewish political alliances in the future. After Battle of Lemberg (Lwow pogrom in 1918) Jewish people tried to support the idea of Ukrainian people to create an independent state. It did not happen. It must be mentioned that in 1930-th Jewish and Ukrainian people suffered from totalitarianism.
Authors and Affiliations
Iryna Levchuk
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