Формування та впровадження Російською імперією ідеї закономірності приєднання Галичини напередодні і під час Першої світової війни


The Russian emperors steadily followed the policy of invading the former Kievan Rus. lands around Moscow, and therefore they always kept in sight Galicia, and in Russian society they were setting the beliefs of legitimacy of the idea of Galicia.s annexation to the Russian Empire. Besides, the Russian authorities tried to create a positive image of Russia for the Galicians, and supported the Russophiles and the Muscophiles. «The Galician-Russian charity association», founded in 1902, became an important subject of the «correct» solution of the Galician question. It familiarized the Russian society with the situation and needs of Galicia by reading reports, distribution of leaflets, brochures, etc. Publications of Russian authors, both in separate editions, and in periodicals, had to open the Galicia to the Russians, to convince them not only in the spiritual unity. The support for the Russian authorities was provided by the Galician Muscophiles, who tried to prove the unity of Galicia and Russia in their publications. The onset of World War I intensified an ideological activity of the Russian Empire regarding the Galicia. An important role played manifestos, appeals and statements of Nicholas II, statesmen and politicians, who appeared in the beginning of the war, and there were appeals to the unity of historical past, and hope that Galicia would raise the Russian flag. An active participation in the Russian company of ideological propaganda belonged to the Galician Muscophiles, both those who were in Russia, and those who remained within Austria-Hungary. «The Carpathian-Russian liberation committee», founded in the 29th of July 1914, in the Russian territory, members of which were the Galicians, in its first appeal exhorted to welcome the «Russian liberators» from the six hundred years of slavery and the government of Austria. In the document «liberation» served as God’s providence. The Galicians, who fought in the ranks of the Austro-Hungarian army, were proposed to lay down arms and move to the Russian side. The similar content had other appeals. Due to the fact that the Russians were poorly prepared for the war in general and for the new territorial gains, at the expense of Galicia, in Russian periodicals appeared publications that had to show the historical proximity of the Galicia and Russia. At the same time, there also was a well-defined understanding of considerable problems of including the Galician lands to the Russian Empire. The Galician Muscophiles tried to keep up with the Russians. In general, an ideological company of legitimate necessity of Galicia.s annexation by the Russian Empire proved to be ineffective among the Russian society, and even disastrous. The policy towards the Galicians was also unsuccessful. There was a great divergence between the slogans and realities of the Russian occupation administration.s activity (Russification, deportation, persecution). Thus, the Russian authorities have well understood the whole importance of an ideological foundation of the Romanovs Empire.s expansion at the expense of Galicia, both within the country, among its citizens, and abroad, among the Galicians. Before the beginning of the war, it was necessary to take into account the whole complexity of international relations, and when it began, an active propaganda company came to light. The Galician Muscophile orientated intelligentsia was also an active participant of the propaganda company. However, in spite of all efforts, the course of the formation and establishment of the idea of legitimate necessity of Galicia.s annexation by the Russian Empire underwent a complete collapse. The realities of the Russian occupation of the land, which greatly differed from published slogans, played not the last place in this situation.

Authors and Affiliations

Serhii Oliynyk


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Serhii Oliynyk (2016). Формування та впровадження Російською імперією ідеї закономірності приєднання Галичини напередодні і під час Першої світової війни. Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(), 35-40. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-205337