Внесок населення товмаччини в зміцнення боєздатності армії ЗУНР під час війни 1918 – 1919 рр.
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 46
The article describes the problem of the contribution of the inhabitants of Tovmachchyna to strengthening the combat capability of the Ukrainian Galician army during the Ukrainian-Polish war of 1918–1919. The publication shows the role of the county authorities, which, realizing the importance of helping the Ukrainian army in the struggle against the external enemy, since the first days of its functioning strongly urged residents of the province to join the gathering of food, clothes, money and ammunition for the defence of the UGA. Also the author analyzes the normative legal acts of local authorities, dealing with material and social security of personnel of the Ukrainian Galician army and members of their families. Active participation on the full support of the UGA was enacted and the residents of Tovmachchyna becаmеa reliable support for its defenders. A crucial role in this process was played by the Patriotic enthusiasm in the community that led to the emergence of a large number of supporters and gave impetus to the creation of the various funds and committees assistance, through which the Ukrainian population of the county, in terms of a lack of resource capabilities and external aggression, in fact, served the function of the state material support of the Ukrainian armed forces.
Authors and Affiliations
Igor Fedoryshyn
Українська літературна інтелігенція Галичини й Буковини у взаєминах з НТШ (кінець ХІХ ‒ початок ХХ ст.)
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