Польський національний рух як чинник трансформації суспільної свідомості
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue
The article is devoted to the analysis of the Polish national movement in the context of transformation of social consciousness during the period of modernity. The Polish movement in Ukraine was an example of influence of its participants on the evolution of public awareness, which determined the specific government policy of the Russian Empire in the «Polish question» during the nineteenth century. One of the most important aspects of the study of social transformations during the period of modernity is to figure out the peculiarities of public opinion evolution as a part of intellectual discourse as well as an effective mechanism in government policy implementation. Therefore, it should be noted that national movements were one of the most important tools in the formation of public consciousness in the nineteenth century. They not only destroyed the previous models of political relations based on loyalty of the ruling dynasty, but also suggested new projects of active citizenship in terms of national state development. The author concludes that the Polish national movement played a significant factor in the transformation of social consciousness in the context of modern Russian nation-building during the nineteenth century. The struggle of the Polish people to restore the lost imperial state was the catalyst of the mental mapping of the Right-Bank Ukraine as their own space of identity. Further, competition of the Polish national and imperial projects in the region affected the evolution of social consciousness in the Russian official and public discourse as well as the formation of Russian national project during the nineteenth century. The consequences of this transformation included the genesis of imperial patriotism and nationalization of public consciousness. The latter perceived the Polish national movement over the Ukrainian territory as a threat to Russian national interests on the historical Russian territory in the late nineteenth century.
Authors and Affiliations
Natalia Gromakova
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