„Vindecând Bolnavii”: Medici si pacienti in Bucovina secolului al XIX-lea


The expansion of Austrian Empire into the Eastern Europe and the reforms promoted by the Habsburgs had an overwhelming impact on the economy, society and cultural life of the annexed territories, especially at the Ottoman Empire.s borders. A whole suite of measures had to be applied there; among them were those designed to prevent and mitigate the effects of natural disasters and epidemics which were usually accompanied by wars. Placed at the eastern limit of the empire, Bukovina was not just a terminus station but also, according to the first report drawn up by General Gabriel Spleny von Mihaldy, a «healthy country», with «clean air», and people aged 70 or even 100. But beyond these general characteristics, the new imperial province of Bukovina remained vulnerable to any epidemic wave extended from Moldavia, Ottoman Empire or Russia; it also could become, at any time, «the entrance gate for the deadly diseases» into the Austrian Empire. Not incidentally, the name of the new province . Cordon . came from the military-sanitary cordon imposed by the Austrians at their new territorial acquisition.s border, in order to ensure the stability of the Austro-Moldovan frontier, and to prevent the entry and spread of devastating plagues. In Bukovina of the early nineteenth century, a new bureaucratic structure and some other public officials were trained to implement the imperial reforms. The doctors . Physici or Landschaftschirurgen . were the representatives of Habsburg, collaborating with the central authorities and the community leaders to impose the health legislation. The development of the medical profession was generated by the improvement of the knowledge and specific skills as well as the policy of the Court of Vienna which elevated the doctors from the status of «erudite» to that of «specialist». Their professional and bureaucratic skills were useful for applying new ideas on disease control and prevention. In addition, in the name of a social utility, they demanded recognition of authority and control over the inferior surgeons (who had already knowledge of general internal medicine, but were not allowed to prepare or administer the medication, with the exception of vaccination). The imperial legislation required one doctor to each administrative circle (Kreisarzt or früher Physikus), who could be helped by a surgeon (Kreischirurgen); if the circle encompassed large territories, for each district of the circle had to be appointed a district doctor (Distriktsarzt). The mission of the «town-doctor» was to «supervise and ensure the health care for the sick poor people», cumulating the guild specific tasks with the characteristics of the «health police» and the «legal pharmacology». The influence of the medical authority on daily life varied depending on the mentality trends of the 19th century. Up to 1900, in Bukovina, the most ability of a physician was to effectively treat the diseases, combining the civic and patriotic duty with the moral responsibility. The changes in knowledges of body structure and function and in demand for services brought developments in the status and organisation of the professions. The fight with the disease become easier, and the path of a professional therapeutic assistance was traced more accurately.

Authors and Affiliations

Harieta Sabol


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How To Cite

Harieta Sabol (2016). „Vindecând Bolnavii”: Medici si pacienti in Bucovina secolului al XIX-lea. Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 2(), 84-91. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-205366