Мова насильства: друковане слово в імперському воєнно-патріотичному вихованні українського селянства Наддніпрянщини на зламі ХІХ-ХХ ст.


Formation of education system, reforms in army and urban expansion tendencies in late 19th – early 20th centuries were considered to be the engine of the modernization processes in Russian Empire; the above influenced the changes in life and consciousness of the peasantry in Dnieper Ukraine. Controlled education opened for the empire regime a new room for centralization of the control system and encouraged mass mobilization. Important role in the patriotic education of the peasantry belonged to the printed periodical editions of military & historical plot. The article reveals the impact of different types of the printed materials & social practices connected with their distribution on transmission of the empire patriotic values to the Ukrainian peasantry at the turn of 19th – 20th centuries. Based on Basilov’s «culture of force» term the author will show the attempts of the implementation of «the language of force» in printed publications that could lead to militarization of the peasantry consciousness. In the empire historical discourse military idea and dynastical history played the key role to reveal the image of the past. Study of Ukrainian peasantry history became possible starting from the latter half of the 19th century. Establishment of the books distribution, extension of school and out-of-school education facilities promoted the above. The government tightly regulated all ways of books distribution among the peasantry. The basic types of military printed periodical editions were considered to be cheap popular editions and education literature specially developed for people by the representatives of the educated social strata. Cheap popular editions were mainly distributed in the markets. Education literature for people became available for the peasants who went to schools, people’s libraries, reading rooms or for those who became the buyers of the public bookstores. Such education included school books and out-of-school literature; their target was to interpret the state idea of the history to the peasants. The official basis for peasantry education was acknowledgement of combined education, i.e. religious and patriotic one. Outline of the historical events was to promote formation of adherence to the Orthodox Church, «tsar & motherland» among the peasantry. The authors glorified expansion policy, successful battles, famous Russian generals and heroes originated from ordinary people. The wars were to be associated with the victories, territorial expansion and state glory. Love of country was substituted by loyalty to the tsar’s family. Patriotism sounded as militarism and etatism. Propaganda campaign started to be intensified during Russo-Japanese War, celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the victory over French army in 1812 and in the beginning of the First World War. Arrangement of the special popular readings, distribution of military literature were right with implementation of festive ceremonies, divine services, school prayer requests, collecting money for army, etc. Starting from Year 1911 it became common to implement practices of the military education among the country youth. Progovernmental periodical editions became one more channel for transmission of the «language of force». Some cheap popular editions had pseudo-patriotic character; the above was obviously demonstrated in the illustrative and text content of the military popular pictures of Russo-Japanese and the First World Wars era. On the other hand, the most popular cheap editions showed to the peasantry a fantasy image of war with obligatory horrors, rages, miracles and underlined opposition of good and wicked powers. All type of military literature encouraged in its own way the popularity of war and Russian military history among Ukrainian peasantry. But one shouldn’t overestimate such popularity because of the several factors. The most important ones were as follows: low education level of the peasantry; system of sales management, cultural & educational schools; peculiarities of the History teaching in basic-level schools. At the same time in spite of the constraint system existence, empire regime didn’t have monopoly ideological influence on the peasantry. The representatives of Protestant religious organizations preached pacifism. Politicization and radicalization of national and social movement led to appearance of the competitive image of «motherland», «patriotism» and «heroic deed».

Authors and Affiliations

Viktoria Voloshenko


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Viktoria Voloshenko (2016). Мова насильства: друковане слово в імперському воєнно-патріотичному вихованні українського селянства Наддніпрянщини на зламі ХІХ-ХХ ст.. Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія, 1(), 23-30. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-202799