Сільські громади Хотинщини (кінець ХІХ – початок ХХ ст.)
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 48
The article explains the problem questions from the field of economic development of rural communities of the Khotyn region – the ancient Ukrainian land, which, under conditions of statelessness, was at different times in the composition of different states; its historical territory location and the economic life of rural communities. The paper shows that at the end of the nineteenth century – the beginning of the twentieth century this territory occupied a considerable territory of Northern Bessarabia. It is proved that the economic life of rural communities was determined by the agrarian economy, which was associated with the fate of the vast majority of the population. In all Pridnestrovie (Transdniestrian) counties there was an urgent need for agricultural land. The article describes the leading role of grain production in agriculture in Khotyn region, especially rye, wheat and corn. Extensive livestock farming continued to occupy an important place in the agricultural sector of the county. The author gives results of research as for some progress in growing agricultural products, in gardening, which acquired an industrial character. It is clear that land shortages and agrarian overpopulation have become the reasons for the agricultural earnings of the local population.
Authors and Affiliations
Tamara Bogachyk
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