Description of customs formalities associated with making a forced landing
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 6
The article is sanctified to research of the custom formality related to realization of the emergency landing an air ship and to the selection of concrete actions of corresponding persons in relation to such situation. Attention is accented on the use of not identical terminology in legislative and bylaw on questions a state custom affair in relation to the investigated formality. It is found out, that at legislative level in a national legislation absent interpretation of legal categories «emergency landing», «technical landing». Authorial determination of concept «emergency landing» is offered is landing of air ship both in an airport (air field) and after his limits on the surface of dry land, water, that was not envisaged by the plan of flight on unforeseeable reasons that a rose up or set during flight (meteorological terms, technical disrepair, influence of human factor and others like that) possibility of their removal without stopping of flight is absent. In the order, envisaged by the article 216 of the Custom code of Ukraine actions that is executed in case of realization of the emergency landing of airplane are distinguished: providing of maintenance of commodities; a report is about the place of landing of ship; providing of transportation of public servants of custom to the place of landing of ship, or delivery of passengers, crew and commodities that is subject to custom control, to the custom. Implementation of the first two actions depends upon the commander of air ship, and last – on international airport authority. It is recommended Ministry of finance of Ukraine to work out and confirm the order of actions of public servants of custom in case of transportation of them to the place of the emergency landing of aircraft.
Authors and Affiliations
Виктор Прокопенко, Victor Prokopenko, Віктор Прокопенко
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