Description of Natural Reverve Fund of Volyn’ Region


Purpose. Assessment of the nature reserve fund of Volyn region, identify the main trends of its development. Methods. Geographical analysis and synthesis. Results. The ecological aspects of the natural reserve fund of Volyn’ region have been described in the article. The structure of the natural reserve fund has been analyzed. Three national nature parks exist in Volyn’ region. The dynamics of the increasing of the number of the objects of the natural reserve fond in Volyn’ region is observed during last years. The number of the objects of the natural reserve fund in Volyn’ region increases from 370 to 388 during 2010 – 2015 years. The increasing of the financial support of the natural reserved fond in Volyn’ region is also observed during last years. Conclusions. There is a clear trend of increasing the number and area of protected natural objects and territories within the region.

Authors and Affiliations

L. D. Gulay, B. I. Sakura


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How To Cite

L. D. Gulay, B. I. Sakura (2016). Description of Natural Reverve Fund of Volyn’ Region. Людина та довкілля. Проблеми неоекології, 0(3), 62-68.