The Topical Paradynamic Landscape Complexes and its Conjugation (on the Example of Exploration Areas of the Left-Bank the Dnipro River of Ukraine Territory)


Purpose. To investigate the specificity of conjugation topical paradynamic landscape mixed-forest and forest-steppe complexes on the Left-Bank the Dnipro river of Ukraine territory on the example of test plots of their distribution. Methods. Laying transect method. Results. «The positional-dynamic landscape structure» is briefly defined as a complex of paradynamic landscapes territorial units at the lowest taxonomic level, and the specificity of its distinguishing are showed.The topical paradynamic landscape complexes, which have formed systems of conjugation as a result of lateral and radial migratory flows, and specific features of its development are characterized. Such migratory flows join topical paradynamic landscape complexes into a commoncascading system. The key features of spatial differentiation of the processes the chemical elements mobilization, translocation, and accumulation amounting to elementary paradynamic landscapes are depictured. The results of using the transects and graphical modeling of such landscapes on the example of mixed-forest and steppe-forest complexes exploration areas of the Left-Bank the Dnipro river of Ukraine territory are given. Conclusions. The topical paradinamyc landscape complexes territory of Left-Bank Ukraine is an objective basis for optimizing the design and implementation, as well as landscape-planning activities tailored just discovered the variety structure and differentiation of the internal organization of landscape complexes and systems, aggregate migration flows that link them into a single system and the knowledge of which enrich the science of information about the causes, and focus areas of distribution of physical-geographic processes and phenomena.

Authors and Affiliations

V. V. Udovychenko


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How To Cite

V. V. Udovychenko (2016). The Topical Paradynamic Landscape Complexes and its Conjugation (on the Example of Exploration Areas of the Left-Bank the Dnipro River of Ukraine Territory). Людина та довкілля. Проблеми неоекології, 0(3), 19-26.