Design and Analysis of Progressive Die for Chain Link Plate


In sheet metal manufacturing Design and development of different components is one of the important phase. This is a highly complex process and leads to to various uncertainties. These uncertainties can induce heavy manufacturing losses through premature die failure, final part geometric distortion and production risk. Identification of these uncertainties and quantifying them is a challenging job for the designer and FEM based modeling is a very effective tool to overcome the above uncertainties. Progressive die components are modeled in CATIA with selected dimensions for chain link plate. Finite element analysis is conducted for Progressive die obtaining deformation and stresses by using ANSYS software. Results obtained from theoretical analysis are in good agreement with empirical equation used in commercial design however ANSYS provides more accurate results compared to the available approximate empirical equations.

Authors and Affiliations

Md Inaithul Rehaman| ME Department, Prasiddha College of Engg and Technology, Anathavaram,, P Satish Reddy| ME Department, Prasiddha College of Engg and Technology, Anathavaram,, Matta Manoj| ME Department, Prasiddha College of Engg and Technology, Anathavaram,, N. Guru Murthy| ME Department, Prasiddha College of Engg and Technology, Anathavaram


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How To Cite

Md Inaithul Rehaman, P Satish Reddy, Matta Manoj, N. Guru Murthy (2014). Design and Analysis of Progressive Die for Chain Link Plate. International Journal of Science Engineering and Advance Technology, 2(11), 763-768.