Design of Variable Control Charts under Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
Journal Title: Quality Procedings - Year 2019, Vol 11, Issue
Control charts are very effective tools to follow process variation and to improve process quality. They can be used to analyze whether the process includes any special causes of variation or not. They can determine assignable causes and give suggestions related with correct actions. So it is completely critical to increase sensitiveness and flexibility of control charts. By the way some data related with control charts can include “uncertainty” or “vagueness” related with process and human evaluations. The fuzzy set theory (FST) is one of the most important tools to solve these problems. We know that the control charts designed with FST are more usable and more preferable for monitoring the process. In this paper, an extension of FST named type-2 fuzzy sets have been used to construct variable control charts (VCCs). For this aim, x-R and x-S control charts have been designed by using typer-2 fuzzy sets. The control limits and center line formulas have been obtained based on type-2 fuzzy sets.
Authors and Affiliations
İhsan Kaya
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Design of Variable Control Charts under Type-2 Fuzzy Sets
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