Determination of physicochemical characteristics of cheese Mascarpone from raw materials of the Southern Kazakhstan region
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
In the article, some researchers of cheese “Mascarpone” from raw materials of the South Kazakhstan region are considered. Cheeses made on the basis of milk cream, occupy a small part of the total volume of cheese production, but thanks to specific organoleptic indicators they are becoming more common, the main representative of which in the market of Kazakhstan is the cheese “Mascarpone”. Popular producers of this cheese importing countries — Italy, Germany and the USA. The table of import and export show following the results of the 2017 year on the territory of Kazakhstan. Based on the data in this table, it is noticeable whether the increase in the level of cheese production of a country–oriented to the domestic market is necessary. Since in the territory of South Kazakhstan there is a rich raw material base of the dairy industry, a specific list of operating companies of the region is given. Due to the fact that Kazakhstan consumers are already quite familiar with this type of fresh cheese, there is a need to create a production line for the Mascarpone cheese. Here are the main characteristics of Mascarpone cheese. On organoleptic indicators, “Mascarpone” is a creamy–curd mass of light cream colour. Smell — this is pure sour milk, without extraneous tastes. Taste creamy with an acid tint. Consistency is soft, spreadable and homogeneous throughout the mass of the product. The classic recipe for Mascarpone cheese is given, as well as four prototypes of Mascarpone cheese: 15%, 20%, 22%, 24%, two of which are similar in characteristics according to GOST. The main emphasis was on organoleptic indicators and tasting evaluation. One sample is recommended for production.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Alexeyeva, T. Narmetova
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