Determination of Sex from Morphometric Measurements and Pattern of Ossification of Thyroid Cartilage
Journal Title: International Journal of Medical Science and Innovative Research (IJMSIR) - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 4
Establishment of identity is mandated in cases of mutilated bodies, explosion cases, mass disasters, bodies with advanced stages of decomposition etc. Establishing identity from skeletal remains is one of the most challenging tasks faced by the forensic pathologists. Determining sex is one of the major components in that. Various methods are adopted for this purpose including microscopic methods like barr bodies, Davidson bodies , DNA fingerprinting and macroscopic methods like various anthropological measurements in bones . Thyroid cartilage, largest of laryngeal cartilage is known for its sexual dimorphism in living as evidenced by the prominent nature in males. But in case of bodies with advanced decomposition changes and skeletanisation the prominent nature cannot be identified. As the morphology of thyroid cartilage, i.e. the size, the angle between two laminae and weight varies considerably in males and females; the pattern of ossification also varies. The present study is aimed at the gender based difference in morphometric measurements and pattern of ossification in thyroid cartilages of North Kerala population so that it can be utilised for establishing identiy along with other methods so as to get more accurate results.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. Priyatha Ponnappan
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