Development of a Weaving Method for Spatial Two-Layer Innovative Structure Linen Fabric
Journal Title: Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe - Year 2015, Vol 23, Issue 6
During the global technological progress, including in the textile field, it has become necessary to look for innovative solutions to make fabric designs that can be characterised by special texture and relief, as well as opportunities to create them with modern weaving looms. Most commonly, such innovative fabric structures can be woven by using several different methods, and sometimes by several weaving looms of different designs and uses. Thus this article provides an introduction and thorough analysis of two weaving methods used to weave such linen fabrics of innovative structure by modern computerised looms of different types and designs: the terry gripper weaving loom Smit GS940F and smooth fabric gripper jacquard weaving loom Dornier PTS 6/J C. In both cases the structure effects of those fabrics were rather similar. Most fabric properties are better for the fabrics woven by the second technique. For that kind of fabric structure it is therefore advisable to use the second weaving method, i. e. the smooth fabric gripper weaving loom Dornier PTS 6/J C. Smooth fabric looms are more versatile, and they do not require a set of specific complex mechanisms that are usually used on a terry gripper weaving loom.
Authors and Affiliations
Eglė Kumpikaitė , Liucina Kot, Mindaugas Vizbaras
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