Development of management accounting in the light of scientific achievements of the Wroclaw school of accounting studies
Journal Title: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości - Year 2019, Vol 2019, Issue 103
The main purpose of the paper was to present the scientific input and achievements of the Wroclaw school of accounting studies at Wroclaw University of Economics in the area of management accounting development in Poland in the post-war period, early in the history of the University. Conclusions presented in this paper are formulated on the basis of literature studies conducted by the author, with a special focus on the wealth of information published by the leading representatives of the Wroclaw centre, particularly in the area of management accounting. The paper offers insight into the work of the most prominent figures of the Wroclaw school and their roles in the initiation and evolution of the management accounting science in Poland. Analyses suggest that many of the scientific observations reported by the centre, both in the form of articles and non-serial printed publications, were consistent with the leading academic modes of approach to management accounting, not only in Poland, but also in the international dimension. Important publications in management accounting can be found in the scientific output of many researchers and academics of the Wroclaw school of accounting studies, with the most prominent figures rightly considered as precursors and pioneers of management accounting in Poland. In addition, the study provides evidence to confirm strong associations linking the evolution of management accounting studies at the Wroclaw centre with the current socio-economic transformations and turbulent conditions of economic operation observed in the post-war period.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Edward Nowak
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