Development of motor accommodation of winter sports competitors at the age of 15–18 in comparison with peers
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2008, Vol 18, Issue 43
Problem. The goal of this thesis is qualification of changes in the level of motor accommodation of youth (age: 15–18) subjected training process in comparison with untrained peers. The following questions were to answer: (1) Is there any improvement in motor accommodation level in the three-year period of sport training? (2) Are the changes in motor accommodation the same in both sexes?Methods. The material of the study is based on results of lasting three years constant research of LO ZSMS Zakopane students, practising winter sports. The research of untrained peers is the comparative material. The measurement was taken using alternative choices’ measuring instrument. The measuring instrument issued two series of impulses: lighting and acoustic one, intervals: 1.2 and 0.8 sec.Results. In all examined groups the statistically significant improvement was certified. Visibly better effects were certified in female competitors groups in comparison with peers. No significant results were certified in male groups. There were no differences in single-sex training groups.Conclusions. (1) The motor accommodation ability is improving in the analysed age: 15–18. (2) There is no unambiguous information about faster improvement of the motor accommodation in the training groups. (3)There are no sexual differences in the level of motor accommodation in the analysed competitors.
Authors and Affiliations
Dariusz Tchórzewski , Przemysław Bujas , Leszek Gargula
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