Development Of Project Based Learning Prakarya Module Material Of Textile Handicrafts To Increase Results Learning Student Class VII SMP
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 5
The purpose of this research development is to: (1) produce a project based learning module based materials of fiber and textile craft to improve student results of class VII SMP; (2) Testing the effectiveness level of module materials. (3) Testing the efficiency level of module teaching materials; (4) Measure the attractiveness of module teaching materials. This research and development uses the steps of Borg and Gall. The research subjects were conducted at SMP Negeri 23 Bandar Lampung, SMP Negeri 9 Bandar Lampung, and SMP Negeri 12 Bandar Lampung. Data were collected using questionnaires and tests (pretest-postes). Conclusion of research and development of teaching materials product Modules obtained on field trials in the three schools on the module effectiveness results on learning by 0.77, the module efficiency level of the three schools received an average of 1.29 module attractiveness at a success rate of 88, 77%. The teaching material product Module can increase the average post-test value to the pre-test value (from the average of 73.7 to 88.2 there is an increase of post-test value against the average pre-test value of 14.5 and the value it is a very meaningful value for improving learners' outcomes (effect size) when learning to use project-based learning module based on learning material of fiber and textile crafts.
Authors and Affiliations
Umyum Sarbiyanti, Adelina Hasyim, Dwi Yulianti
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