Development of the methodology of criminological research and crisis management (on the 10th anniversary of the global systemic crisis of 2008)
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 9
The paper explores the development of the methodology criminology research, the object of the research is to conduct a global systemic crisis, the aim of this work is methodological aspects criminology research to achieve this goal, solved the following tasks: study of the crisis as part of political and socio-economic process; explore the concept of crisis, sources, mechanism of development and a mechanism for crisis management; development of methodology of the science of crises and effective management anticrisis; the article presents the classification of crises, the crisis is considered as an element of the development process, which has its own specific functions and methods of resolution. It is proved that for effective management of the crisis requires further development of the methodology of crisis management in the science of crisis management, the object of which is the crisis of various organizations, justified, that psychology of crisis research and crisis management can be considered as a factor capable to reduce or increase the effectiveness of crisis research and crisis management in the organization.
Authors and Affiliations
Valerii Glushchenko
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