Developmental and educational goals of early childhood education and care - perspective of Warsaw caregiver
Journal Title: Nauki o wychowaniu. Studia interdyscyplinarne - Year 2017, Vol 2, Issue 5
The following inquiry aims at exploring beliefs of caregivers from the Public Crèche Network in Warsaw, the biggest network of this type in Poland, on the importance of fostering different developmental and educational goals in the youngest children. Caregivers (N = 449) completed a structured, internet based questionnaire on the importance of supporting the development of social, cognitive, physical, emotional and personal goals of 0-3 year olds in early childhood settings. Also, information on practitioners’ educational background and work experience was collected to investigate whether their beliefs differed depending on these background characteristics. Results revealed that there are no relations between caregivers’ beliefs and their pre-service training (higher education diploma vs none or vocational training) or their work experience (5 or less years of work in early childhood settings vs over 5 years of work in early childhood settings). Findings of the study are discussed with regard to the Polish legal context and practical implications. <br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Olga Wysłowska
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