cific conditions. Founders of The Morskie Oko Theatre, which was the most specific example of Polish interwar revue, consciously broke with the traditional Polish model of artistic cabaret and shaped it on Parisian and A...
The subjects of this article are Polish television series as spectacles of Polish national identity, presenting and broadcasting various indications of national representation. The author reflects upon popular XXI centur...
Składanie tygodników. Projekty graficzne Janusza M. Brzeskiego dla koncernu „Ilustrowanego Kuryera Codziennego”
Na antypodach (artystycznego) kabaretu. Specyfika warszawskiej rewii międzywojennej w kontekście globalnych wzorców gatunkowych – rekonesans
cific conditions. Founders of The Morskie Oko Theatre, which was the most specific example of Polish interwar revue, consciously broke with the traditional Polish model of artistic cabaret and shaped it on Parisian and A...
Kultura w sieci dla dzieci // Analiza struktury i treści portalu internetowego
Serialowe spektakle tożsamości narodowej Polaków
The subjects of this article are Polish television series as spectacles of Polish national identity, presenting and broadcasting various indications of national representation. The author reflects upon popular XXI centur...
Bo źle złożyłem tapczan u teściów. Przemoc domowa wobec mężczyzn