Diagnostic Efficacy of Bronchoscopy and Computed Tomography Guided Modalities in the Management of Bronchogenic Carcinoma in A Tertiary Care Hospital
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 12
Introduction: Initial histopathological analysis of a pulmonary lesion is mandatory when ever a bronchogenic carcinoma is suspected in order to determine the diagnostic and management strategy. The 2 main methods to obtain adequate samples are flexible fibreoptic bronchoscopy and Computed Tomography (CT) guided biopsy. Aims And Objectives: To determine the test performance characteristics of various modalities ie. Bronchoscopy guided, CT guided procedures for histopathological specimen and to determine the Type of cancer. Materials And Methods: Bronchoscopy Guided-Bronchial washings, Bronchial brushings, Endobronchial biopsy, Trans bronchial needle aspiration and Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology(FNAC), CT Guided-Trans thoracic needle aspiration and Trans thoracic trucut biopsy. Results: Among bronchogenic carcinomas, majority were adeno carcinomas(47%) followed by squamous(31%) followed by carcinoid (13%) followed by small cell carcinomas(6%). The positive diagnostic yield of for centrally situated carcinomas-Bronchial washings-37%, Bronchial brushings-61%, Transbronchial needle aspiration-65%, Bronchoscopy with forceps biopsy-74%, Over all -95% where as for peripherally situated carcinomas-Bronchial washings-10%,CT guided FNAC – 90%,CT guided Tru cut biopsy- 93%. Conclusion: The positive diagnostic yield of conventional flexible fibre optic bronchoscopy guided procedures was high for central lesions (endobronchial disease and mass situated near the hilum) and poor for peripheral mass lesions and the positive yield of CT guided trans thoracic needle aspiration and trucut biopsy was high for peripheral mass lesions but it had higher rate of pneumothorax than do bronchoscopic biopsies.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr. V. Joseph Bala Sireesha, Dr. Anim Roopa, Dr. A. Bhima Bhanu Prakash, Dr. M. Sai Sashank
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