Phytotherapy is currently experiencing a renaissance, but in contrast to the var iety of methods kno wn as the so-called alternative medicine, the che mical compo unds in plants have well documented biologic al effect. I...
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is most commonly used in chronic rhinosinusitis treatment. This method is also applicable to other diseases, including the treatment of symptomatic ectopic teeth. Ectopic teeth...
Sprawozdanie z Konferencji Naukowo-Szkoleniowej CI Forum, Wrocław 29.11–01.12.2012
Overview of vegetable preparations for use in the dysfunction of mucosa of mouth and throat
Phytotherapy is currently experiencing a renaissance, but in contrast to the var iety of methods kno wn as the so-called alternative medicine, the che mical compo unds in plants have well documented biologic al effect. I...
Od Redaktora Naczelnego
ʺStomatologyʺ in functional endoscopic sinus surgery – 2 case reports
Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) is most commonly used in chronic rhinosinusitis treatment. This method is also applicable to other diseases, including the treatment of symptomatic ectopic teeth. Ectopic teeth...
Protokół z posiedzenia Zarządu Głównego Polskiego Towarzystwa Otorynolaryngologów Chirurgów Głowy i Szyi w dniu 18 października 2012 r.