Diagnostics of disorders of mucociliary clearance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease by determining content of medium weight molecules in sputum
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2014, Vol 19, Issue 4
Investigation of mucociliary clearance (MCC) condition in 90 patients with COPD was performed according to the stage of the disease by determining the level of biochemical indicator of sputum - medium weight molecules (MWM). To determine the effect of chronic inflammation in the respiratory tract on a general condition of the organism, MWM content in blood serum was investigated. To reduce the influence of comorbidity on MWM content in blood serum, patients with COPD without or with mild comorbidity in remission were selected, and the results were compared with those of healthy people (control group, n = 20). The results showed a direct correlation between the severity of airflow limitation and concentration of MWM in sputum, this was accompanied by increasing of viscosity and adhesive performance of sputum and violation of the optimal conditions of MCC functioning. The fact established allows to use determination of MWM content in sputum of COPD patients as a noninvasive and accessible for pulmonology practice method, which allows to quickly and adequately assess MCC condition and aggregate of metabolic abnormalities in patients’ respiratory tract. Chronic inflammation in respiratory tract is accompanied by disorders of determined indicators in the serum as well, but increase of MWM content in sputum is specific, while the accumulation of MWM in serum of patients with COPD is not specific.
Authors and Affiliations
T. Pertseva, O. Lykholat
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