Experience in the treatment of liver abscesses
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2018, Vol 23, Issue 4
The paper presents the results of diagnosis and treatment of patients with liver abscesses. In the surgery of Dnipropetrovsk Regional Hospital named after І.І. Mechnikov 183 patients diagnosed with liver abscess aged 18 to 81 years were treated. In 118 (64.5%) patients the period from the first complaints to the diagnosis was up to 1 month, in 48 (26,2%) from 1 to 3 months, in 15 (8,2%) from 3 to 6 months, in 2 (1.1%) from 6 to 12. To diagnose abscesses of the liver ultrasound of abdominal cavity, computer tomography, laparoscopy were used. Treatment of liver abscesses included both conservative therapy and surgical intervention. Only 14 (7.6%) patients received conservative treatment. Surgical treatment included minimally invasive interventions under U.S. control, laparoscopic, open drainage and resection techniques. The method of choice of surgical treatment for patients with uncomplicated liver abscesses with a diameter of 3 cm or more was echocontrolled peritoneal pelvic drainage, performed in 146 (79.8%) patients. Complications of surgical treatment were found in 15 (8.2%) cases: drainage dislocation – in 12 (6.6%) patients, purulent fistula – in 1 (0.5%), intestinal obstruction – in 1 (0.5%), peritonitis – in 1 (0.5%).
Authors and Affiliations
A. Kutovoy, S. Kosulnikov, K. Kravchenko
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