Diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of vertebral syndromes caused by traumatic elements
Journal Title: Medicina bolu - Year 2018, Vol 3, Issue 3
Vertebral pain occurs due to many reasons, thus complicates diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation. The spectrum of pathomorphological changes in vertebral segments that can lead to lesions of the segmental nervous and vascular structures should be considered. We propose to define and classify these pathoanatomical changes. Traumatic elements are pathomorphological changes in vertebral segments, due to an injury or vertebral diseases and may cause irritation, partial or total compression of segmental nervous and/or vascular structures due to their size and direction. We also suggested algorithm for the diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of pain and other disorders in the spine. Diagnostic algorithm mentioned in the article allows to choose the right methods of treatment, rehabilitation and prevention. We can conclude that pathoanatomical changes directed towards the segmental nervous and vascular structures may act as traumatic elements. Severity of clinical manifestation of spine pathology more depends on the severity of traumatization of segmental nervous or vascular structures. It’s impossible to differentiate traumatic elements as irritating or compressing ones by changes on X-ray and MRI.
Authors and Affiliations
P F Kolisnyk, S. P. Kolisnyk
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