Діагностика об’єктів інноваційної праці як інструмент підвищення інноваційної активності персоналу підприємства [Diagnostics of Objects of Innovative Work as a Tool for Improving the Innovation Activity of the Company’s Personnel]

Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 3


The purpose of the article is to form and develop theoretical and methodological foundations for the diagnostics of objects of innovative work as an instrument for increasing the innovation activity of the personnel of the enterprise. Structural decomposition of constituents of innovation work at the enterprise is presented. It was established that the program for diagnosing objects of innovation work includes a linear algorithm, which consists of a sequence of actions such as: 1) the formulation of diagnostic objectives; 2) determination of internal losses in labor processes (assessment of the organization of work and production by business indicators: working time, resources and quality); 3) analysis of external factors and innovation risks; 4) assessment of resource capacity; 5) identification of objects of innovation work. It was found out that: 1) the result of the diagnostics of objects of innovation work is the definition of innovative opportunities in the system of organization of labor and production, which are the basis for the development and implementation of innovative proposals, which prompts the increase of innovation activity of personnel; 2) innovative activity of the personnel of the company depends on many factors, among which the innovative enterprise strategy plays an important role. The prospect of further research in this direction is the formation of practical recommendations for improving the system of partial diagnostic purposes of the company's polycriterial economic diagnosis, taking into account the presented research results.

Authors and Affiliations

Ruslan Skrynkovskyy, Tetiana Protsiuk, Liliia Sytar, Oksana Shpak


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  • EP ID EP274950
  • DOI 10.22178/pos.32-3
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How To Cite

Ruslan Skrynkovskyy, Tetiana Protsiuk, Liliia Sytar, Oksana Shpak (2018). Діагностика об’єктів інноваційної праці як інструмент підвищення інноваційної активності персоналу підприємства [Diagnostics of Objects of Innovative Work as a Tool for Improving the Innovation Activity of the Company’s Personnel]. Traektoriâ Nauki, 4(3), 4001-4007. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-274950