Діагностика сформованості гуманістичної педагогічної позиції майбутніх логопедів у процесі професійної підготовки
Journal Title: Нова педагогічна думка - Year 2017, Vol 92, Issue 4
This article analyzes the conceptual bases of the formation of the future speech therapists’ humanistic pedagogical position during their professional training. The concept of the humanistic pedagogical position is based on the humanistic paradigm of pedagogic as a subject-subjective interaction between a teacher and a child. The meaning of formation of the speech therapist’s humanistic pedagogical position is revealed. Humanistic pedagogical position of a speech therapist is being considered as setting on personality of a child, his/her understanding and acceptance of the ability to perform various types of interaction. The components and criteria of the humanistic pedagogical position of the future speech therapist, as well as the levels of its formation in students, are determined
Authors and Affiliations
Наталія Федорова
Активізація професійного потенціалу педагогів засобами мотиваційного менеджменту
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Експертно-аналітична функція менеджера шкільної освіти
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