Digital Ecosystems for Data Preservation


<p><strong>The purpose of the investigation</strong> is the review and research of digital ecosystems for data preservation.</p><p>This paper will address issues concerning the handling of complex data such as research data, multimedia content, e‐learning content, and the use of repositories infrastructures. At the University of Vienna, an ecosystem for digital data preservation and research data management has already been established and will be subsequently be enlarged according to future needs and requirements in the future. This living digital ecosystem is the foundation for research data management and was implemented from the beginning as a central service according to the FAIR principles as stated in the first HLEG‐EOSC (‐market) report. With the help of ten years of professional experience, a model for digital data preservation was established to address the complexity of heterogeneous data. It was necessary because of different use cases assigned to the interdisciplinary data management team based on the Computer Centre and the Library. The source for the use cases are research projects, their different approach to research and their multifaceted requirements regarding the efficient re‐use of data. The usage of this model might be considered as the foundation on which an ecosystem for digital data preservation can be built.</p><p><strong>Research methods</strong> is the management Phaidra Management created a model based on the Data Publication Pyramid, and added data not directly included in publications, such as inconclusive and negative results.</p><p><strong>Scientific novelty</strong> is to use three different models as a guide, the management redesigned the repository infrastructure, an important starting point for the transition from a simple repository concept to a living digital ecosystem concept.</p><strong>Conclusions.</strong> It provides a good working infrastructure, and connect with the research community and maintain links to other infrastructure projects.

Authors and Affiliations

Ganguly Raman


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  • EP ID EP573803
  • DOI 10.31866/2617-796x.1.2018.151343
  • Views 74
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How To Cite

Ganguly Raman (2018). Digital Ecosystems for Data Preservation. Цифрова платформа: інформаційні технології в соціокультурній сфері, 0(1), 87-96.