Digitalization of Ukrainian Companies as a Mechanism of Competitive Struggle in the Global Grain Market
Journal Title: Oblik i finansi - Year 2022, Vol 1, Issue 4
Increasing competition in the global market requires new business management mechanisms and tools to provide companies with certain advantages. In particular, agricultural holdings of Ukraine in the pre-war period began to digitize actively. In wartime, the direction of digital transformation of business management was not only actualized but also partially ensured the survival of companies and the safety of their personnel. The article's purpose is to summarize Ukrainian companies' experience regarding the digitalization of economic activity. It was revealed that the largest agrarian companies operating in the grain market are represented in the rating of the TOP companies of Ukraine regarding profit indicators and sales volumes. The article analyzes the level of digitalization of production processes of such Ukrainian agricultural holdings as Kernel, MHP, Astarta-Kyiv, Ukrlandfarming, Agro-Region. Today, agricultural companies apply the elements of digitalization in a fragmented manner. However, in the future, it is expected that this will lead to the formation of a digital ecosystem that will unite all digital solutions and cause their gradual expansion to all aspects of economic activity. Digital transformation is most noticeable precisely in the traditional sectors of the economy, which were previously the least involved in automation processes. The effectiveness of the implementation of digitalization in the activities of the agricultural industry can reach 90%. In general, investments in innovative digital management and production technologies contribute to forming competitive advantages for Ukrainian businesses in the global grain market. The issue of digital interaction among various market participants remains problematic due to their use of individual approaches to digitization. Therefore, there is a need to coordinate the efforts of all market participants in order to unify approaches to the digitalization of information exchange processes, product labeling, and logistics operations.
Authors and Affiliations
Liudmyla Tsymbal
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