Діяльність центральних органів виконавчої влади в Україні на початку незалежності
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2018, Vol 82, Issue 2
У статті досліджено місце й роль центральних органів виконавчої влади в становленні та розвитку Української держави на початку незалежності. Проаналізовано реорганізацію та утворення нових органів центральної державної виконавчої влади. Значну увагу приділено розкриттю тривалої політичної боротьби щодо розмежування владних повноважень. З’ясовано, що відсутність стабільного уряду впродовж перших років незалежності в Україні негативно впливало на прийняття конструктивних рішень стосовно реформування політичної системи в Україні. The author makes an attempt to reflect the place and the role of the central executive bodies in the process of establishing and developing the Ukrainian state at the beginning of independence on the basis of the diversity of the historic facts, analytical and statistic materials, scientific documents. The importance of the discussed problem is caused, first of all, by the need to have a clear idea of the mechanism for the further reform of the executive power in Ukraine. The author analysis the peculiarities of the central executive bodies activity in Ukraine at the beginning of its independence . The author shows the factors that led to the negative consequences of its activity that influenced the status of the ordinary citizens. Besides, the author researches the legislative basis of the repeated changes in the central executive bodies competence. The author finds out that at the beginning of the 1990s there was reorganization and formation of the new bodies of the central state executive power, which authorities had been differentiated in the strong political struggle for a long time. The fact that there was no stable government negatively influenced the implementation of the reforms of the political and economic systems, solving social problems, successive carrying out the foreign policy etc. Gradually, the president structures became leading in the centre and in local government. At the same time some restriction of the authorities of the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine became valid, the role of the local self-government became weak etc. As a matter of fact, at the beginning of Ukraine independence there was no reform of the executive power structure through certain measures had been taken for this. Since Soviet times the structure was bulky, inefficient and it was a bulwark of bureaucracy and corruption. The fact that there was no scientifically proved conception of the state establishment which would take into account the principles of sovereignty and democracy made it the most important social and political problem in Ukraine at the beginning of its independence. This very unfavourable factor being undefined led to arising new problems in all spheres of life and especially in functioning the central bodies of the executive power.
Authors and Affiliations
Володимир Михайлович Пекарчук
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