Journal Title: Estudios Románicos - Year 2006, Vol 1, Issue 12


Asper the French novel we have traditionally been told about the confrontation between dilectio and love. The former was understood as a kind of restrained, measured affection between husband and wife that was aimed at reproduction. Against this idea, over and over again, a sort of passionate love keeps coming up as an indicator of the drives that the Christain religion unsuccessfully tried to repress. As the church was worried about the moral education of young women, during the 19thand the first part of the 20rhcenturies it launched a literary offensive consisting of the publication of novels that followed the Catholic ideal and which were designed for the feminine public. However, the new lifestyles for wotnan had a role in doing away with this type of publication and in the 20thcentury the traditional novel itself will have to adapt to the currently prevailing social reality.

Authors and Affiliations

Mª del Carmen Fernández Díaz


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Mª del Carmen Fernández Díaz (2006). "DILECTIO" Y "AMOR" EN LA NOVELA FRANCESA. Estudios Románicos, 1(12), -. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-44413