Dire le corps, sa condition sociale et ses émotions. Une approche sociolinguistique d’une banlieue française
Journal Title: Argotica - Year 2012, Vol 0, Issue 1
This study is based on a field work; it deals with the way of speaking among the French youth. It may wonder how young people from labour class are talking about different parts of body: skins, head, leg, genitals, muscles, hair. We shall see what the most used expressions to name are or qualify all the physical aspects of the life; from the way to feed or to make love to the practise of sports and physical activities. This field survey focuses on teenagers and young adults living in the northern suburbs of Paris. The language back slang, used by people from suburbs is dominated by terms virile. We suggest showing the most used words in a borough of Val d’Oise. We interest mainly to the working-class of the cities of Sarcelles, Écouen, Ézanville, and Villiers-le-Bel. It seems that in the poorest districts of Val d’Oise the back slang called verlan language is constituted by French slang, Arabic language and more recently nouchi. The nouchi is slang from Ivory Coast appeared in France during the decade 2000. The popular language keeps some words from the old slang, but we watching that each generation and wave of migrants bring new words, likened to the local language.
Authors and Affiliations
Yaya Koné
L’argot en français en milieu jeune au Cameroun : jeux sémantiques, formels et enjeux identitaire et linguistique
In this paper, our goal is to study slang among young people in Cameroon. To better explain this parasite language, we will rely on two concepts operational, pragmatic and stylistic, which are important for understanding...
Langage et société, No 141, septembre 2012, « Jeunes et parlers jeunes : des catégories en question », Paris, Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme, 166 p.
Néologismes endémiques, similitudes et dissemblances dans la construction d’un langage commun (emprunts de langue locale et plurilinguisme) entre jeunes adultes marseillais et franciliens
Endemic neologisms, similarities and dissimilarities in the construction of a com-mon language (borrowing of local language and plurilingualism) between young adults marseillais and franciliens In order to communicate w...
Issues d’équivalence en grec et en anglais argotiques : les cas de « malákas », « ghamó » et « fuck »
The words “malákas” and “ghamó” are two of the most frequently used words in Modern Greek (MG) slang. The word malákas (“wanker”) displays wide polysemy in MG (Xydopoulos, 2008: 257-258) and increased productivity. Inter...
Benjamin Valliet, Lexique ta mère, Tournai (Belgique), Éditions Fortuna, 2018, 128 p.
Sur la quatrième de couverture, Benjamin Valliet se présente sobrement comme un « auteur-compositeur-interprète [qui] délaisse parfois ses chansons pour écrire des livres ».