Direct starting preparation and starting conditions of a decathlete in Junior World Championships in Peking

Journal Title: Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu - Year 2007, Vol 25, Issue 1


The purpose of the paper was to present the material and time structure of direct starting preparation (DSP) of a competitor intending to start in the Athletic Junior World Championships in Peking and to analyze the conditions of starting in that event, as well as considering problems related to the preparation process of competitors for the forthcoming Olympic Games in this city. Training procedure in DSP described in the paper brought a leading all-rounder decathlete to the 9th place in the competition. However, having in mind the forthcoming Olympic Games in Peking and participation of our national team, appearance in the Athletic Junior World Championships brought other incomparable advantages. It was a repository of knowledge about the conditions which our competitors should expect in that city. First of all, one should note the observations related to competitors’ reactions to weather conditions and the speed of adaptation to changing time zones. One should take it into account when selecting the places for training camps and, above all, the place and time for the last rally before leaving for the Games. There will certainly be a lot of changes in Peking before the Games as new hotels and sports facilities will be erected. What remains is China’s climate, culture and mentality the knowledge of which will undoubtedly raise the comfort of stay and the value of the results achieved.

Authors and Affiliations

Dariusz Łoś, Leszek Korzewa


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How To Cite

Dariusz Łoś, Leszek Korzewa (2007). Direct starting preparation and starting conditions of a decathlete in Junior World Championships in Peking. Rozprawy Naukowe Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego we Wrocławiu, 25(1), 166-171.