Directions of use of foreign experience in the regulation of the capital market in the policy of formation and development of the financial system of Ukraine


The subject of the study is the directions of use and adaptation of foreign experience in regulating the capital market in Ukraine. possibilities of ensuring the preconditions for Ukraine’s integration into the global capital market in a globalized environment. Research methods. In this work the dialectical method of scientific knowledge, the method of analysis and synthesis, the comparative method, the method of data generalization are used. Results of work. The article outlines the directions of regulation of international investment. The expediency of controlling capital flows is indicated. It is determined that one of the important mechanisms for regulating foreign lending capitals is the regulation of exchange rates, and a significant prerequisite for attracting foreign capital is bilateral and multilateral investment agreements. Conclusions. The results of the conducted study lead to the following conclusions: the study of the development of the world’s national capital market shows that the options for ensuring economic growth of the country through the intensification of the international capital movement, through the increasing the investment attractiveness of the economy, through the liberalizing the financial market, increasing degree of its openness and integration to world capital market.

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  • DOI 10.5281/zenodo.2581150
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How To Cite

P. P. HAVRYLKO, K. P. INDUS, M. J. KOVACH (2019). Directions of use of foreign experience in the regulation of the capital market in the policy of formation and development of the financial system of Ukraine. Формування ринкових відносин в Україні. Збірник наукових праць, 1(1), 61-66.