Disability in Free Market Employment. Current Situation in Reference to Historical Changes. Research Results
Journal Title: Niepełnosprawność - zagadnienia, problemy, rozwiązania - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 29
164 574.76 to 1 858 793.88 this is the ratio of the jobs booked for people with disabilities and non-disabled people. This significant disproportion does not show social structure, however, consciousness that has not yet reached a satisfactory level. Units affected by dysfunctions are struggling in addition to their daily struggles with their own weaknesses with problems related to the necessity of securing livelihoods. Work for some is a source of income, for other satisfaction that allows for self-realization. However, what is the actual employment status of such people and what is the path of their professional career? Does providing state support allow you to feel right and above all equal to other people?
Authors and Affiliations
Marta Jagoda Szymańska
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