Disappearing Objects in Georges Didi -Huberman’s Curatorial Practices


In this essay, I undertake an analysis of the first exhibition curated by Didi -Huberman, L’Em-preinte (Imprint), which took place in Centre Pompidou in 1997. In this project, the French philosopher and art historian intentionally bypassed the usual products of artmaking, in-stead choosing to focus on what is left alongside this process. The project in Centre Pom-pidou transferred the technique of imprinting into the context of art of the 20th-century, investigating the tactile transmission of form from one surface to another. I will examine how Didi -Huberman’s attempt was influenced by the notion of survivance of forms, formu-lated by Aby Warburg, and how it offers an alternative to traditional approaches to original/copy issue

Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Doroszuk


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  • EP ID EP577012
  • DOI 10.24917/20813325.13.5
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How To Cite

Hanna Doroszuk (2018). Disappearing Objects in Georges Didi -Huberman’s Curatorial Practices. Annales Universitatis Pedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia de Arte et Educatione, 0(264), 56-65. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-577012