Distant results of treatment of gonadal and germinal malignant neoplasms in girls
Journal Title: Ginekologia Praktyczna - Year 2005, Vol 85, Issue 4
Objective: The majority of malignant germinal neoplasms are found at girls and young women before 30 years old. Between gonadal neoplasms most frequent is folliculoma. The aim of work was to estimate distant results of treatment of germinal malignant neoplasms at girls in our own material. Material: the material consisted of 18 patients in age 4-30 years. Type of operation, histological type, kind of adjuvant therapy, second look laparoscopies, follow up and number of birth were described. Results: From among 14 patients with malignant germinal tumours: 9 in stage IA of disease had sparing surgery and 4 with dysgerminoma and genotype 46 XY had bilateral gonadectomy. In one case because of advanced stage of disease radical operation was performed. During follow up in this group of patients i period 2-11 years, 3 of them delivered healthy children. Two patients were death in spite of adjuvant chemotherapy (BEP). In 4 patient 4-7 years old with folliculoma symptoms of premature puberty were appeared. Three of them are in remission from 6 to 17 years and one of them delivered two healthy children. One girl despite of adjuvant treatment was death after 1.5 years. Conclusion: long-wave observation indicating that sparing treatment is possible in early stages of disease and make possible to fertility in future.
Authors and Affiliations
Izabella Rzepka-Górska, Anna Błogowska, Ryszard Bedner, Dorota Zielińska
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