Distribution of molluscan fauna in the Karangad estuarine mangroves, South East Coast of India.


t. A survey has been made during February 2010 to know the pattern of molluscan fauna in the mangroves located along the Karangad estuary. During the present investigation in the research area, 25 species of molluscs were recorded. They belong to 14 genera, 10 families and 5 orders. In the study area, 13 species of gastropods namely, Cerithidea fluviatilis, Terebralia palustris, Cerithium citrinum, C. scabridum, C. obeliscus, Littorina scabra, L. undulata, Planaxis sulcatus, Drupa margariticola, D. heptagonalis, Thais rudolphi, T. bufo, and T. tissoti and 12 species of bivalves – Gafrarium tumidum, G. pectinatum, Crassostrea madrasensis, Mactra cuneata, Tellina ala, T. bruguieri, Saccostrea cucculata, Modiolus metcalfei, M. tulipa, M. traillii, Meretrix meretrix and M. casta - were recorded.

Authors and Affiliations

Vellathi Venkatesan, Chellappa Kalidas, Pariyappanal Zacharia, Santhanam Rajagopal


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Vellathi Venkatesan, Chellappa Kalidas, Pariyappanal Zacharia, Santhanam Rajagopal (2010). Distribution of molluscan fauna in the Karangad estuarine mangroves, South East Coast of India.. Advances in Environmental Sciences - International Journal of the Bioflux Society, 2(2), 113-119. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-124225