До проблеми визначення об’єкта житлових правовідносин
Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2016, Vol 61, Issue 2
Зроблено крок у розв’язанні питання щодо визначення об’єкта житлових правовідносин. Запропоновано вважати об’єктом житлових правовідносин проживання у житлі. Установлено, що проживання як об’єкт житлових правовідносин – це стабільне використання житла для постійного безпечного знаходження в ньому, користування житлово-комунальними послугами, ведення господарства. Сделан шаг в решении вопроса относительно определения объекта жилищных правоотношений. Предложено считать объектом жилищных правоотношений проживание в жилье. Установлено, что проживание как объект жилищных правоотношений – это стабильное использование жилья для постоянного безопасного нахождения в нём, пользование жилищно-коммунальными услугами, ведение хозяйства. The definition of the object of residential legal relations has theoretical and practical significance, since this legal definition may independently influence on the content and static of legal relations, and so are the backbone of the system of residential legal relations. The article’s objective is to determine the object of residential legal relations to prove the existence of the classical model of the object of residential legal relations (housing) or the formation of the updated model of this category. Based on the conducted research it has been found out that in a broad sense the object of legal relations is a benefit (legal substance), which has a positive effect. Residential legal relations are aimed at meeting of housing needs of a man. This distinguishes them from classical property relations that are directed on meeting the needs in the form of domination of individuals over the thing. It is emphasized that accommodation in a house – is the protection of an individual against the risk and, therefore, is one of the elements in the mechanism to ensure a human’s life. Differentiation of the categories «usage of residence» and «occupation of dwelling» has been accomplished. It is indicated that the right to use is an element of legal power of housing in gaining a positive effect (income, result) from the housing. Living in housing involves the use of a dwelling for a permanent location there, the use of housing and communal services, housekeeping. That is accommodation in terms of material law is only the element in eligibility for using the housing. The author has researched the understanding of residence according to property and legal, binding and legal characteristics. This made it possible to establish that living in a house – is a stable use of housing for permanent safe location there, use of housing and communal services, housekeeping. The right of residence entitles the right of requirement for a stable, secure residence, the right to positive actions in the form of location, housekeeping, the right to protection of the lawful location in the house.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Ye. Avramova
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