Dogmat – depozyt, kontemplacja czy hermeneutyka? Analiza wewnętrznej struktury i dynamiki dogmatu
Journal Title: Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2017, Vol 16, Issue
A dogma is usually referred to as a definition containing the revealed truth that is given to people to believe and whose reception is a condition of salvation. Such a doctrinal understanding of a dogma seems to have little relevance to the very existence of man, and his reception appears as an abstract condition of salvation arbitrarily appointed by God. The dogmatic truth, however, is the truth of God Himself, which is essentially connected with Him, yet participates in the created world. An analysis of the metaphysical structure of the dogma can lead to the discovery of its essential dimensions and meanings, making it more compatible with human life. The truth of God should be explanatory, enlightening and transforming. The paper undertakes such an analysis, leading to a pluralistic vision of the dogma and its existential and interdisciplinary significance.
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Strumiłowski
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