Parafie w średniowieczu na obszarze obecnej diecezji kieleckiej. Stan i perspektywy badań

Journal Title: Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue


The issues concerning the role of the basic ecclesial structures in the past tend to reappear every now and then in the field of history. The huge role of a parish was not limited only to religious life and practices, but also influenced the whole social and national life of a community. The paper introduces the state of research and its prospects regarding parish organization in the area of the contemporary diocese of Kielce. As the result of the research into existing monographs on the topic, the conclusions allow for the construction of an image of parish organization that would be fairly wellestablished in the sources. However, the author points out that the study of the development of individual parishes of the diocese of Kielce in the Middle Ages, as well as in the subsequent centuries calls for further serious research. Despite a rich source and historiographical basis as well as the resultsof archaeological and architectural studies, many parishes in the region of Œwiêtokrzyskie still lack fully developed historical studies, taking into account the panorama of the phenomena associated with the functioning of the lowest administrative unit of the Church in the Middle Ages.

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Kardyś


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How To Cite

Piotr Kardyś (2014). Parafie w średniowieczu na obszarze obecnej diecezji kieleckiej. Stan i perspektywy badań. Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne, 13(), 49-68.