Glosa do poezji ks. Janusza A. Ihnatowicza
Journal Title: Kieleckie Studia Teologiczne - Year 2014, Vol 13, Issue
The author of the article comments on the poetry of father Janusz A. Ihnatowicz. The works of father Ihnatowicz have taken up a deserved prominent place in the modern priestly poetry. They are marked by the richness of both references to the biblical tradition and the analysis of modern social processes, as well as permeated by numerous autobiographical threads. It also abounds in recommendations concerning the, so to say, dehumanizing changes, which, in the name of the grandeur of the slogans of apparent freedom, introduce the man into the feeling of inner void, destroying the harmony of the surrounding world. The vision of the present is contrasted with an attempt at aesthetization of the bygone world, enclosed in the framework of the past. Such background highlights even further the authentic religious and humanistic values.
Authors and Affiliations
Stanisław Żak
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