Дослідження напруженого стану конвеєрної стрічки з тросами різної жорсткості

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 1


RESEARCH OF THE TENSE STATE OF CONVEYER RIBBON IS WITH THE ROPES OF DIFFERENT INFLEXIBILITY Belmas I,V., Bilous O.I., Kolosov D.L., Vorobjova О.М Abstract Conveyor belts are used in a variety of conveyor systems, convex drums, and can have damaged ropes and cables of varying rigidity. Determination of the strained state of the tape is an actual task, it is aimed at creating safe conditions for the conveyor. The purpose of the study is to develop an algorithm for determining the stress state of the tape, both damaged and cables of different rigidity, interacts with the curvilinear drum. The stress-strain state of the tape is determined by the equal weight of its ropes. Having solved a system of equilibrium equations for a tape of cables of different stiffness given as a Dirac function on a segment of a discrete axis of rope numbers, it has been established that the laws of the distribution of forces, movements of ropes have the character of local perturbations. Reducing the stiffness of the cable leads to a decrease in the relative loads of adjacent ropes at their gusts and gusts of cable less rigidity. Obtained expressions for calculating the strained state of the tape, taking into account the presence of ropes in it less rigidity, wire ropes, the interaction of the tape with a non-cylindrical drum. The determined voltage state of the tape during its use allows to determine the loss of its attractive ability, to ensure safe and safe operating conditions of the conveyor belt. The use of the obtained results allows to increase the safety level of the conveyor. The obtained results are quite reliable and can be extended to composite materials of layered construction with hard layers. References [1] Volotkovskij V.S., Nohrin E.G., Gerasimova M.F. Isnos I dolgovethnost konveernih lent [Wear and longevity of conveyer ribbons ] – Moscow, 1976. – 176 p. [2] Kartavij A.N. 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Authors and Affiliations

І. В. Бельмас, О. І. Білоус, Д. Л. Колосов, О. М. Воробйова


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How To Cite

І. В. Бельмас, О. І. Білоус, Д. Л. Колосов, О. М. Воробйова (2017). Дослідження напруженого стану конвеєрної стрічки з тросами різної жорсткості. Математичне моделювання, 1(1), 73-77. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-277110