Дослідження психологічних особливостей спілкування студентів-іноземців як елемента адаптації
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Педагогіка і психологія" - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 15
I.M. Fednova STUDY OF PSYCHOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF FOREIGN STUDENTS’ COMMUNICATION AND SOCIALISATION AS AN ELEMENT OF ADAPTATION The article is devoted to the consideration of some psychological peculiarities and problems of foreign students’ communication and socialisation during the period of their adaptation when they are studying at a higher school abroad. The essence of concepts such as communication and adaptation is revealed. In the conditions of the active integration of the national educational space, the importance of the issue of psychological peculiarities of foreign students’ communication and socialisation as an adaptation element is grounded. The adaptation process of a foreign student with psychological peculiarities in communication is reproduced in our study. The stages of foreign students’ adaptation as well as the evolution of communicative relations between them are described. The stages of the cross-cultural adaptation process have been studied according to Harry C. Triandis, an American psychologist. The problems and consequences at each stage of adaptation are also highlighted. The essence of the problem of successful adaptation of foreign students to the educational environment is to organise interpersonal interaction and mutual understanding between teachers and students; novice students and senior students; students who are representing different countries and cultures in the group and at the department. The arguments how to overcome the problem of communication are given. The precondition of the problem is linguistic differences. Solving this problem is one of the most important tasks of the higher school; this fact causes the creation of favorable conditions for a student to comprehend all the peculiarities of the country, in order to overcome language and psychological difficulties, and as the result to reach successful development in the educational process. The specially developed programs of communicative adaptation are offered to help the acquisition and improvement of theoretical and practical knowledge of the language by foreign students: excursions to historical and regional studies museums on the topic «Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Ukrainian people»; lectures «Rules of Behavior at the University» and «Educational and Cognitive Activities of the University», the celebrations « Initiation into Students», “Student’s Day», holding roundtables, trainings, discussions, coaching, workshops, participation in student clubs, student self-government and other things, which promote the intensification of foreign students’ communication with Ukrainian peers. Intercultural communication is considered as the main means, which allows to provide the multicultural nature of adaptation work, effective interaction of foreign students with the environment, to prevent interpersonal, interethnic conflicts with other students, and to give emotional comfort to foreign students as well. The organization of up-bringing and educational processes at higher educational institutions is defined as one of the most important directions in the pedagogical theory and practice that encourages educators to find new ways to improve the up-bringing and educational processes. Key words: psychological peculiarities of communication, communication processes, foreign student, adaptation to learning at higher educational institutions, stages of the cross-cultural adaptation process.
Authors and Affiliations
І. М. Феднова
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