Вплив психологічних особливостей дітей із порушеннями слуху на вибір їхньої майбутньої професії
Journal Title: Вісник Університету імені Альфреда Нобеля. Серія "Педагогіка і психологія" - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 15
L.H. Harniuk, A.O. Sorokina PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CHILDREN WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENTS AND THEIR IMPACT ON CHOOSING FUTURE PROFESSIONS Patterns of development aspects of professional self-motivation of students with hearing impairment are examined in the context of psychological research. It is noted that the prospects of vocational education for adolescents with hearing impairment in our country depend not only on the quality of education received at school, severity of hearing impairment, degree of speech development, as well as on the impact of immediate social environment, thoughts and expectations of the family, school friends, but mostly on the readiness of the education system to include students with hearing disabilities. It is usually difficult for an adolescent with hearing impairment to make a choice of the vocational activity to study by himself or herself. That is why special in-school professional guidance for high school students with severe hearing impairment should be provided by qualified psychologists and teachers. The authors analyse approaches revealing the process of children’s self-determination. Among the most important factors, social learning is highlighted due to its practical orientation. It can be implemented in practice within a long period of time while children use the opportunity of self-realisation, of finding their own their preferences and implementing them throughout their life. This approach reveals the transition possibility of individual impulses into professional desires. Taking into account the psychological characteristics of adolescents with hearing impairments and understanding the profession choosing process can help in further research on developing educational activities with these students in order to help them make an optimal decision on their future professions. Key words: children with hearing impairments, adolescents with hearing impairments, self-determination, inclination, interest, occupation, vocational orientation.
Authors and Affiliations
Л. Г. Гарнюк, А. О. Сорокіна
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L.H. Harniuk, A.O. Sorokina PSYCHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CHILDREN WITH HEARING IMPAIRMENTS AND THEIR IMPACT ON CHOOSING FUTURE PROFESSIONS Patterns of development aspects of professional self-motivation of students w...