Doświadczając otchłani. Wokół zapomnianego dramatu Tadeusza Konczyńskiego
Journal Title: Prace Literaturoznawcze - Year 2015, Vol 3, Issue 3
This article is devoted to the analysis and interpretation of the drama entitled Abyss by Tadeusz Konczynski with the emphasis on the issue of spiritual nothingness. It aims to diagnose the reality close to the characters, which revolves around the materialistic conception of life and the crisis of traditional morality. Another matter discussed is the creation of the protagonist, who is the expression of “the new age” and the embodiment of moral decay. The author of the article analyses the destructive impact of the character on his close surroundings. She also considers his outlook upon the world, which constitutes the main motive for his actions. The author refers to the notion of liberty or ethical relativism and considers the character’s attitude in the context of nihilism. With regard to that, she points out that the work by Konczynski engages in a dialogue with the thought of Nietzsche. The final issue of concern to the author is the problem of overcoming moral nothingness as well as the relation between ethics and aesthetics.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Chojnacka
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